My pain time is over :D At least for now...
Here is the promised picture of what I drew when I was sitting in the cafe to cool off a bit.
Those ladies were talking without a break and constantly laughing. I just had to draw them :)
This girl has my name :)
It was red boat day :)
and Peter Pan was there also :)
on my way home I found a beautiful silky rose
and I found some hollihocks - since I was going
to draw them I took some pictures of details
and some more flowers :)
Wish you a happy day!
SORRY, I was a bit early with this post :( I don't really have the time to do my share of bloghopping, next week I get new windows in my appartment and until then I have to move a lot, so they can get through with the big frames. I'll be back when I'm done with my chores.
Hello, Your pain? Did I miss something? I love your cafe drawing and the beautiful images. Peter Pan is a favorite. Have a happy day!
AntwortenLöschenGlad the worst is over! Lovely drawing, you caught the atmosphere perfectly. Enjoyed the photos, lovely.
AntwortenLöschenPain is no good friend :-( , glad to see that it is subsiding.
AntwortenLöschenA spot of red is always nice :-)
A gull and some boats are even nicer!
So,jetzt besuch ich dich auch mal wieder und hoffe,deine Zahnbehandlung ist zu Ende und du hast nun keine Schmerzen mehr!
AntwortenLöschenDas mit den Fenstern geht auch vorbei und dann hast du gleich wieder einen besseren Durchblick auf die Insel:)
Einen guten Start in den Herbst wünscht dir
Oh, dan zit je nu midden in de rommel. Hopelijk kun je alles weer snel op z'n plek zetten. Ik geniet ondertussen wel van je prachtige foto's en tekeningen. De tekening van de stokrozen is ook erg leuk. Groetjes,
AntwortenLöschenHallo Liebes!
AntwortenLöschenViele lieben Dank für Deine schöne Weihnachtskarte!
Sie kam heute exakt an Weihnachten hier an! So schön!
Sei lieb gegrüßt von Susi
Guten Tag,
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